That moment when your wife...

November 14, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

This is a familiar view...



If you can think back to last November, I shared photos of a proposal in a local coffee shop (Tazza Bella). You can see them on my Facebook page here. I advise starting from photo #1 and clicking through them in order if you decide to have a peek ;) Well, those two were wed on June 29 this year:



 At the end of last month I got a message from Grace. We planned to meet at the coffee shop on the 2nd to discuss the details on this role reversal that would go down on the 5th, exactly one year after the proposal took place.

Things we going great, the barista was in, cup was selected for the message... and then a forgotten detail surfaced. Tuesday wouldn't work at all. So right then, Grace decided we'd do it "Right now!"

I went home and grabbed my camera and went right back to the coffee shop and quickly got set up. Grace went home to get Seth so they could have a late lunch date at the coffee shop. Which wasn't unusual, because he had actually won a free lunch there recently, and had been asking Grace to go... even that morning.

The barista had helped by rearranging tables while I was gone, and we were able to fine tune the positions just minutes before they arrived...

They arrive...

The hot seat. Seth just doesn't know it's hot yet.


A little friendly conversation... loosening up.... getting the jitters out.

Grace's smoothie has been served. Of course Seth would like to try it. I believe something like this happened last year...

They are seriously adorable, are they not? <3

All about sharing. Poor Grace had already eaten during our meeting.

"I love you Seth..." or maybe something like "Get ready..."


Seth got up at this time. I honestly thought he was going to come back and open the door. You just never know with these two.


Look at the above photo.... now look at the photo below. Grace's legs went from crossed to uncrossed. That's our signal for "I'm about to tip my cup." And when my heart started racing. Oh, these moments are hard to beat :)

Grace's expression here is so much like's Seth's was right before he took that revealing drink. I just love that moment right before something exciting. Especially when only one party knows.

And here it is. I am SO SORRY, Seth, that it happened to be right when you were taking a bite! But, it is what it is.

I LOVED this moment. Right here.... bam. Head down. I really wonder at this point what he's thinking.

Still thinking.... processing, I'm sure. Grace does one last drink to make sure he saw it. Oh... he totally saw it. A little smirk on his face now.


Here I imagine Seth thinking, "For real?" The emotions play out so quickly. Shock, wonder....

... and happiness. Oh, she so got you.

This is my signal that I can be made known. "Of course you would be in on this.", says Seth. Such a good sport.


A shot from the other side of the glass. All smiles!! YEA! So, if you didn't see Grace's post on Facebook, and are reading this from another source, what did the cup say? I totally hear a "The Fox" parody in my head. Moving on before it sticks too long...



Naturally... Seth, you're going to be a Daddy...



She's glowing already.


Can I just say how in AWE I am that Grace was able to keep this under wraps for like... 4 days? I think it paid off, though. These two are never going to be able to relax in this coffee shop. And I am SO happy that I was able to capture these priceless moments for them to re-live.

I teased her about doing a gender reveal with the sex written on the bottom of the cups and drinking them facing one another... I seriously think that's how it should go down... ;)

Congratulations, again. You two are going to be AMAZING parents of a beautiful baby hand crafted by God. Many blessings and well wishes for this new chapter in your life.

Boy, those first chapters were short ;)



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